I have slain many enemies and won many battles and I tell you there is no great secret to success in war. No subtle trick of strategy that has saved my foes. I seek out the enemy, attack as soon as I am able and with all the force at my command, rend his soldiers and smash his fortresses, leave only corpses behind me and then move on.I was born to be a chieftain to a clan of bloodthirsty butchers. Now I am butcher for the chieftain of chieftains. - Cadmor Bull-Horn
Centurion ◆ Butcher ◆ Introspective
NAME Cadmor Bull-Horn RACE Reachmen
GENDER Male OCCUPATION Centurion | Beserker
AGE 36 BIRTHSIGN The Atronach EYES Grey
SKIN Fair HAIR Brown HEIGHT 6'4" BUILD Muscular, Mesomorph
Cadmor is of the Reach and yet his height and origins would elucidate there is some nord in him, somewhere. His features, they reveal good genes in his muscle, giving him a strong figure with broad shoulders. Time itself having made his skin and hide, after years of viciousness, hardened, long having lost the softness that could have been. The hair on his head is buzzed, where it had once been free and flowing with braided locks, now buzzed and indicative of imperialization. But what captivates the onlooker more than anyone else, is the wild, savage rearing look, that comes from his grey eyes. He already had inked markings along his face, attributing him a more feral apperance, as they darken and ruddy the pale skin that only comes from colder lands.
A reachman harsh and savage, he's more a brute than the average man. But there is an intellect that makes him all the darker. Cadmor may be ignorant of many things, but he is wise and perceptive. Where once the man was harsh and sadistic, his life changed under the imperial yoke, and his most defining trait is his introspection.He is a man who is neither an imperial nor of the reach, any longer. He is as surly as they come but time has opened him, somewhat.Those exposed to him, learn of a man who's starting to wake up from a lifetime spent believing in a warped truth of life.But in a period where he was lost to the world and after years of being locked within a cage, he has returned. The man that had once been is no longer the same. Gone is the spirit of happiness, of love, and idealism. Replaced with anger at weakness, hate for hypocrisy, and an eagerness to drown the world in oceans of blood.
"I've seen them before, red men, evil men, savage men. They all come carrying axes, screaming bloody murder, and snuff out people. Always carving people up, but they're dogs, dogs on a leash, a leash held by a man I don't want to mess with. He's came once or twice 'fore I think. Heard one of them red devils, came in Leyawiin, yanking around and demanding cider.."
Heard in Leyawiin, by a patron (Considered Common)"By the divines, praise stendarr, the Red Centurion is here?! We're going to live lads, he's came before, and killed our enemies singlehandedly. He's been there killing other savages, hacking them apart with his axe as if they were butter! Hah! I say the Red Centurion's stood out from the others, by the axes he carries. They've triskelions along the metal, when you see it, you know he's about."
Heard in Sorel, by a warrior of the Ruby Brotherhood. (Considered common)" He was in Valenwood, I've seen him, before. A giant man in Imperial armor, he's got red on him, as if every coloring along the body is red, his skin under all that armor? I bet it's red too. He's wrestled orcs down and gutted Barendil a few nights ago. Patrol was sent out, orcs ambushed 'em, Peranwe was the only to flee. The orcs weren't alone, she saw the armor, red butcher among them, wearing war-plates of the men that fled here."
Heard in Marbruk, by a guard. (Considered rare)"I remember what it was like when they all came here, it was hard, it was brutal, and they showed no mercy. Our pious lord gave them clemency. Now he sits there watching us and it wasn't the lord that sat. It was him, he's one of them, big. Looks like a nord but doesn't sound like one, he's quiet. He sits there and watches. He's came to our temple, heard our sermons, and spoken when spoken to. I wonder if it was orders that made him do this or was it his own choice?."
Heard in Fort Regilus, by a priest. (Considered Rare)
X | Searching for a Seer - The man is searching for a seer. His clan is lost. The stories of the Bull-Horn remain alive and true, but they aren't seen, their echoes are only felt. Cadmor searches for a seer, looking to save the lost of the clan, all of them having fallen to a hex giving onto them a madness that only brings terror to the world around them.X | Reachmen - The way he fights is indicative of who he is. Cadmor is of the Bull-Horn and they were a known clan in the reach. A clan of bloodthirsty berserkers who enslaved, sacrificed, and malaised all who came onto the path if they didn't submit. Triskelion metallgury on the axes, give him away, and if observant in proximity, it is permissible to acknowledge his origins.X | The Red Centurion - At the behest of a man considered a father like figure and inspiration to him, Cadmor fought hard for him and in the process, earned glory. At the behest of a clan of orcs in the valenwood, did he hack apart many a dominion fighter. At the behest of his master, did he acquire the title of the Red Centurion. Those in Cyrodiil and in the Valenwood, have heard of his passing.X | World Eater - A name garnered on the fields of war. The fighter has taken to a particularly bad habit of brutality and direct assault. All around, soldiers of the Ebonheart Pact, in particular the Nords of Skyrim were found maimed, killed, or burned. Those that survived the encounter, referred to the figure, as the World Eater. Some say the reputation of such had been earned from asking the dying of why they called him that. Eventually the word spread around, the man has been called the World Eater.
X | Axeman: Master
X | Wisdom: Proficient
X | Beserking: Master
X | Empath: Adept
X | Intelligence
X | Magic
X | Speech Craft
X | Stealth
Aodh Bull-Horn | Half-brother - "He's like me but already going to be better. I'll make sure of it. People say you can't take the reach out of a reachman, I'll prove them wrong. But even if there's failure, Aodh won't be like me or the others, he'll be better. His whole life is filled with the decay of what makes a family function. We share a bastard for a father, one that was more rabid than a dog. His mother was like a harpy but was better than his father. And now I'm stuck with this young copy of myself. Only that his mother had a chance to show her love for him. I can't throw him out. He's my legacy and in these days where I think it better to not make my own, better to take what I have and keep to that."
Arrelan Rumen Variridus | Father figure - "I have spent my life without a father. I know that I am not the same as you. I know that I will be judged for what I do and for what I am. It's easy to do that. It's harder to have shown me warmth and love. We fought together. And I have seen the bonds made bonds the young have shared with the old. You are what I have."
Berednodh (Beredinus) Bull-Horn | Kinsman (Deceased) - "Brother, you were weak and hesitant. Now I am weaker then you ever were."
Caius Lavinius | Acquaintance - "You get our ways but remain smarter."
Decortius Decurio | Chaperone - "Spare the sermons. If you think you can teach me self-control when I'm lost to the madness, I'll listen then."
Finnidor Giodrant | Acquaintance - "Puny little man pokes my senses. Its not like Rhiannon where she likes to see what makes tick. He keeps telling me I set my own fate. He's right.... But he doesn't know how to live with it and for what its worth, I wouldn't want what happened to us to happen to him."
Gorr Bull-Horn | Kinsman - "My strenght is not my own. I have charm, I can talk. But when brute force is put into play, Gorr was and always will be the strongest."
Lucius Parthax | Brother - "Oh my brother.. You keep telling me to be strong, when you are weak yourself. Tearing flesh from the foe, hatred as strong as the red sands that matches the same hue of blood that spills from the desert skins of Yagahai. You broke when I am not there, but when I returned back, I was scared no one was left that I could feel closeness too. The spirits gave me you and I remain better with you. When you perish or pass, I don't know what will happen to me."
Mariana Nautius | Hated - "Once I thought us friends, I was shown how wrong I was, when I returned. You are protected, because you are a weak little mewling thing. Were there nothing, my axe would take your skull, not for your gods or the spirits, but because you have shown me, how much a monster I can be."
Odhran Bull-Horn | Kinsman - " We are no longer the Bull-Horn or the Iuniores, we are no longer the 3rd cohort of the old days, we are no longer honourbound. The gods the Cyrods worship, pride themselves on honour, I like the idea of honour. But we lack it, we will bite the hand that feeds us. No amount of slaughter will ever sate our lust for butchery. But you Odhran, you are not like us. You are different."
Rhiannon Auclair| Friend - "Feline like, amber eyed, and a riler of the tempers. When we first met, offered to fix my cloth, then poked the hornets nest. Its hard to understand how we got closer. Too similar our walks of life, only you had it inside the walls, and I had it outside of the walls. If I didn't like you, I would have killed you."
Revikus-Adi | Colleague, Respected - "Everything I'm not is Revikus. The man has honor, respect, valued, and happiness. He is grey and I am crimson. He is a guardian and I am a butcher. He has control when I don't. I am not envious of him, he earned his keep. All I know is that when I look at him, I am reminded of how broken I have become. "
Saoirse Bull-Horn | Kinswoman (Lost) - "I thought you weak once. You still remain small, pitiable, and pathetic. The ways I have embraced are not one and the same as yours. Decry them as you will, I don't give a shit. But I won't lie and say I don't think of you. The truth remains that I think on your sacrifice for me constantly. Its burned in my head, hotter than a heat scar, and I am left to carry the burden of raising your son. You had Donn, then went to my pa for help, and out came Aodh. I like to look at him as my future, but Aodh is not of my stock, he's my brother. What a disgusting thing to live with."
Sól of Markarth | Kinswoman - "You keep calling me your Ard, there's no point in calling me something that no longer exists. I'm not an Ard, all I do is maim, kill, and burn. I can't give you what you hope from me, leadership, love, compassion, the traits that are needed by all. Even us Bull-Horn needed these things and without them, we are undone. But I can't give it, I won't. And I don't think you will get it city girl... Still, because you look like her, beacuse you told me you're the other one, I'll give you my axe to keep you and the boy safe."
Vanitus Pullo | Decurion - "You serve in the bastard's army but don't decry me for my heritage. See me a boon, a warrior, have shown me openness I don't expect from anyone anymore. You tell me to keep going the way I am. I am inclined to listen."
Volund Decentius | Overlord, Hated - "The tyrant, how I long to take your skull and hack it apart with my axes. You gave me a taste of something more and ripped it away from me. All in the name of your beliefs. You tried to change us, change me, and make us weapons that will come to heel. But we nor I am your dog, we are butcherers and murderers. One day, Emperor, Tagh-Ard, Dominus, my axe will take your skull for all the grief you give to me."
Wulfhart Wind-talker | Halfbreed - "You talk too much, halfbreed. Talk too much. I admit, sometimes it's good to hear it."